Industry Information

How does the red light beauty device work? Who is it for? How to choose?

October 27, 2022
I. Which groups of people are suitable for using the red light beauty device?

a) Daily care for 30+ years to maintain skin firmness.

b) To improve minor skin problems and prevent deterioration. e.g. fine lines, early stages of wrinkles, skin texture becoming rough and dull, skin firmness starting to change.

c) Maintenance of medical aesthetics such as tightening and lifting, scar reshaping and other post-operative care and maintenance of medical aesthetic results

d) Acne scars, including acne scars, stretch marks and traumatic scars. Post-acne hardened conditions that do not dissipate.

e) Some chronic inflammatory conditions of the skin such as: rosacea, eczema, neurodermatitis of many kinds. Although red light is not a cure, it can help to relieve the symptoms.

f) Sensitive skin repair.

g) Androgen-related hair loss, such as hereditary hair loss.

II. Which skin problems are not suitable for red light beauty device

a) For the more obvious skin ageing problems, red light can only achieve mild improvement, complete improvement or medical aesthetics. For example: significant skin laxity, sagging jawline, coarse wrinkles, forehead lines, lines between the eyebrows, decrepit lines, eye bags, tear troughs, radioactive wrinkles around the mouth, etc. However, we can still fully rely on the power of red light for post-medical care and results maintenance.

b) For those who need a quick solution to their skin problems. Red light is a slow work. If you do it carefully for three months, you will definitely see the results. Some people say that doing it for three months is equal to one month of medical treatment. Although I am not sure of the accuracy of this figure, it is a slow work, that's for sure. I will give ways to improve and speed up the manifestation of the effects later on.

c) Those with skin reactions, such as redness, rashes and other abnormalities in the skin during the red light treatment, or aggravation of existing skin inflammation, are also not suitable for using the Red Light Aesthetic.

III.Criteria at the time of purchase

Because there are so many products, the quality varies so much. Here are a few criteria to follow to buy basically can not go wrong.

(1) the choice of light wave band: be sure to buy red + near infrared products. The manufacturer must provide you with two light wavelengths of data to. The ideal band of red light is between 633±5nm; the ideal band of infrared light is between 830±5nm. And the narrower the band the better, the wider the effect the worse.

2) Density: It is common to find basically between 30-60mw/cm². Generally speaking the higher the density, the shorter the time duration of irradiation at the same dose. For example, a density of 30 may take 10 minutes to irradiate the dose; if the density is 60, it will take about 5 minutes to receive the same dose.

3) Dose: The general dose is 9-15 Joules/cm². This dose data is often not given by manufacturers. We can work it out. Dose received by the skin (joules/cm²) = Radiation density (mw/cm²) X irradiation time (seconds) X 0.001.

4) Distance: This is why I recommend buying a mask type, because generally with mask type red light beauty devices, the distance between the lamp and the skin is between 0 and 3 cm. Basically, this distance is set by the manufacturer. And the arc of the mask type is similar to the facial bump, which can basically ensure that the dose of irradiation is the same for each part, which helps the efficacy to manifest.

5) Heat production or not: What needs to be noted is that you should not feel heat when using it. Feeling heat is likely to be a problem with the product itself and should not be used again, especially for partners with melasma, it may aggravate melasma. So, make sure you ask before you buy.

6) Hair growth red light beauty instrument: you need to choose the tooth-shaped light cap, so that it is not affected by the hair directly to the scalp for treatment. The exact selection of products is not yet exactly the same as the red light beauty device used for the face. I will share this with you specifically in the future.

7) Acne skin: the best choice is to use a beauty lamp with blue light + red light + and infrared light. This kind of light can help us to destroy acne-causing bacteria as well as help us to eliminate inflammatory reactions, fade acne, fade marks, tone scars, promote skin repair, etc. However, be aware that if you only have blackheads and no visible inflammation or redness of acne, it is not as effective. But it does not affect anti-aging. Blue light is for sterilisation, so don't use it lightly if you don't have an infection. Acne prone skin with dark acne marks or discoloured skin should not use blue light.


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