Home Beauty Device

What is an introduction beauty device?

Conductive beauty devices

The introduction instrument is only a tool carrier, the skin care products used with the efficacy of the ingredients are the real "consumables".

The most common home introduction devices on the market are mainly ultrasound introducers. The ultrasound introducer uses a transducer to produce ultrasound waves that act on the surface of the skin, causing a cavitation effect on the skincare products applied to the skin, disrupting the orderly molecular arrangement of the lipids in the stratum corneum, forming penetration channels and improving the permeability of the skin. In simple terms, the slight high-frequency vibrations generated by ultrasound introduction can increase the penetration of efficacious skincare ingredients into the skin, although the effectiveness of this type of device is relatively limited and mainly plays a supplementary role in promoting penetration.

There is also an emerging category of introduction technology being used by manufacturers in the development of home beauty devices. These are collectively known as "nano-crystals" or nano-needling, and utilise the principle that micro-needles open up pores on the skin's surface to help promote penetration. The word "nano" in nanocrystalline microneedling refers to the nano and the word "crystal" refers to the material of the microneedles, which is known in medical aesthetics as "monocrystalline silicon nanoneedling". Nanocrystalline microneedling uses needle tips with diameters ranging from a few tens to hundreds of nanometers. The nano-needles currently available on the domestic market are hand-held pens with nano-needles arranged centrally on a matrix base smaller than a fingernail cap, which is changed one at a time. These microscopic needles are only shallowly inserted into the skin's stratum corneum, which greatly reduces pain for the user and is a major advantage over traditional household roll-on needles. Li Kai points out that the safety of nano-crystals is relatively high, and in China such products are listed as "makeup", through the vibration in the stratum corneum to open up tiny channels and skin care products into, so the absorption of such a way of import is relatively high.


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